Corum in Christ

Means of Grace Suitable for my church:
-Devoted Groups
Though I am currently not on staff at the church my wife and I attend, above are some of the means of grace that we actively participate in and that we have personally experienced attending since ~January. Looking from the outside in, every church has sacred rhythms and heartbeats. There are ministries that seemingly stand out more than others, there are things that you think could go better, and there are areas where leaders need to be sought after to create a ministry where there is an existing need. Overall, due to my friendship with one of the assistant pastors and knowing what he is personally involved in and is helping cultivate at my church, I am excited and anticipate great things for the future to come. One particular area we were discussing last night was the distinction between small groups (bands) and accountability/penitent groups. In today's church, one often gathers once on Sunday and one other time throughout the week. Comparing this to the early church and Acts 2:46, which reads, "Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts," one can't help but ask, do we meet often enough for true discipleship to occur? Because one utilizes small groups as a means of grace to grow into the likeness of Christ for the sake of others, what rhythms need to become more frequent in our lives? Is it daily scripture reading? Is it gathering once a week with a friend from church? Is it serving your community through local ministry? Whatever it may be, and however the LORD places it on your heart, serve as you're doing it for Him.
Blessings in Christ.