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Corum in Christ

Isaiah 40:31
“Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.”
“You see, a Christian is a rechargeable battery; when we run low on energy, we can plug into the Holy Spirit for a fresh surge. And the way to plug into the power of God is to WAIT on the LORD.”
-Sandy Adams
I don’t know who this is for, but the waiting is worth the storm you are weathering.
-You WILL gain new strength.
-You WILL mount up with wings like eagles.
-You WILL run and not get tired.
-You WILL walk and not become weary.
Be encouraged.
Wait on the LORD, be still, and KNOW that HE is GOD.
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